“A prime Covent Garden, London WC2 address as your registered office.
All official government mail scanned and emailed to you free of charge.
✔️It is legitimate necessity for the registration of every limited companies and LLPs
✔️It improves your business profile as your business is situated in Central London
✔️It guarantees your private location isn't shown on the public register of company and isn't accessible around the world
✔️It keeps spontaneous guests and mail from showing up at your home
✔️In the event that you lease,it gives admittance to a location as numerous tenant agreements deny you from involving the rental location as an enrolled office
✔️In the event that you are a non-UK occupant, it gives admittance to a UK Professional office address in light of the fact that company’s registered office should be situated in the UK
✔️Select 'Buy Now’' and complete the instalment process
✔️You'll get a buy affirmation email with guidelines on the most proficient method to change your registered office address via online system
✔️Company officers should give Evidence of ID and Verification of Address documentation to activate the service
✔️When your Professional office address has been refreshed we'll scan and email all your company’s official government mail (free of charge)
✔️You have the choice to renew the service after one year
On the off chance that you are setting up another limited company, you should pick a company development bundle that incorporates our Registered Office Administration. Packages that incorporate the London registered office services are: Privacy, Compliance,All Inclusive and Non- Residents.
On the off chance that you already have a limited company, you can create an account on our site and import your company by giving your company registration number and confirmation code. You can then buy our London Registered Office Service and we will notify Companies House of the difference in Professional office address
To apply for this service,firstly you have to submit your application, then one of our customer care team members will contact you. Or you can directly call our customer number service team at 0800 058 4858.So,If you want affordable service to register your company at our London registered office ; we will be pleased to help you.
The record holder and all companies officials, incorporating chiefs and individuals with huge control should give Verification of ID and Address documentation. This is to guarantee that we agree with Anti Anti - Money Laundering(AML) guidelines and 'Know YOur Client' prerequisites.We can't offer our registered company office or potentially administration address administration until this data is given.
Yes, you can renew our registered office service on a 12 month basis.
No. On the off chance that you are company chief, secretary, or individual with critical control, for example an investor who possesses over 25% of the company portions, and you wish to utilise our London address to accept your legal mail, you should buy our administration address item independently.
You can't buy the registered office address administration once and use it for numerous companies. Assuming you wish to involve this location for various companies, it ought to be bought for each company.
No. The sending of true government mail by output and email is free.